Another lovely track from the American gospel songster Todd Dulaney tagged, Prayer. You have it below.
In the year 2021, the American gospel songstress, Todd Dulaney comes through with this astounding track named, Prayer, a record which made up his livev album labelled, Anthems & Glory, which is still accumulating lots of streams on Youtube and other various music stores.
Prayerwas outlined as the 2nd track of the project. Todd Dulaney who is known for his passion and hard work for the gospel of Christ through music proves his versatility coupled with authentic delivery on this catalogue. The masterpiece audio is really worth listening to.
Anthems & Glory album embodies seventeen wonderful entries. The American gospel music diva, Todd Dulaney really put pen to paper on the project with the featured artists too.
Video: Todd Dulaney – Prayer ft Apostle Matthew Stevenson
Lyrics: Todd Dulaney – Prayer ft Apostle Matthew Stevenson
Come on just lift up your hands real quick
Father we love you tonight
We worship you we honor you we say that you are good
Come on talk to him a little bit
You are God tonight
Come on talk to him
You are God
That is our esteem of you
That is our declaration of you
That there is not another God like our God
Come on talk to him
You are God
You are God in heaven
Come on
You are God in Earth
You are also God over that that is under the earth
We say you are God
You are God over the river
You are God over the fire
You are God over the flood
You are God over the mountain
You are God over the storm
You are God over the disaster
You are God over anything that wants to come against us
Father thank you that you have not advocated your role as sovereign
And the forces of hell still have to bow to what you say and who you are
We lift our hands tonight and before we go any further in this moment
We thank you for your character
We thank you that your reputation is in tact
Thank you that your resume has no ruin on it
We call you Elohim
We call you Jehovah
We call you El Shaddai
We call you Adonai
Our provider our healer our sustainer
There is one God
There is one God
There is one God
And tonight the desperate gather tonight
Not for a show
But we want your presence
More than anything else in the world
Your presence is our air
Come on
Your presence is our reason
Is what upholds us
Without your presence we lose our sanity
Without you we don’t even want to live
Without you we don’t know where to go
Without you we don’t know who to trust
So your people cry out tonight
Spirit of liberation come
Spirit of help come
Spirit of hope come
Come and set your people free
In the name of Jesus
We ask right now that every heart is open
That every ear is open
That every tongue is loosed
That the powers of darkness contending and competing over the destinies of those in this room are under arrest
Not because of a man
Not because of a move
But because of your throne being erected in the midst of us
Let justice let power let authority let fire fall from your throne
For around the throne of God
There are lightnings there are thunders and there are voices
Let this be like the environment
Like the atmosphere
Like the climate around the throne of God
We want the thunder
We want the lightnings
We want the voices
Let the angels of God
Let the glory of God be released in this place
Cover the earth with your glory
Cover the earth with your glory
Like the waters cover the sea
Cover the earth
Cover the earth
Cover the earth
For this is the generation of them that seek him
That seek him
That seek thy face oh Jacob
So tonight we lift up our heads
So that the King of Glory shall come in
Who is this King of Glory
The lord God strong and mighty
The lord God mighty in battle
Lift up your head
And the king of glory
So it is
So It is
So it is
In the matchless name of Jesus
We give the head of the church Glory
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